Are you registered to complete a paper self-assessment return for 2019/20?

The numbers of people making paper returns this year should have dropped dramatically. As of April 2020, anyone who has previously submitted a paper tax return, will have been sent a notice to file digitally (online) by HMRC. In circumstances where HMRC has identified that someone can not complete their return online, paper forms will have been sent out.

If you are one of those who received a paper return to complete, the deadline is the 31st October.

If you are going to miss this deadline, our advice would be NOT to send the return- you will be fined for a late return at the very least. Instead, set yourself up to complete an online return. This way you will have until the 31st of January to complete your tax return online and pay any tax owing.

For more information on completing your online self-assessment return, see our guide here.

For a detailed breakdown of the fines for late submission of returns, see here.